I Think It’s Time I Talked About FalloutI Think It’s Time I Talked About Fallout

I Think It’s Time I Talked About Fallout

Yeah, this show is indeed an example of a video game adaptation done right, and it went above and beyond when it comes to the source material. Yes, there’s a bit of controversy regarding the fate of Shady Sands, but let’s take a look at it. Seems pretty cut and dry to me. The fall…

Movies/TVBy David M. Coleman on Jun. 9, 2024
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Fallout: EquestriaFallout: Equestria

Fallout: Equestria

I know, I know. I made part one for The Lost Element and never made part two. Why am I starting something else without finishing that one? The answer is simple. When that story concludes I will do part two. But as it stands, that story is over three million words, and still hasn’t ended.…

LiteratureBy David M. Coleman on Nov. 30, 2022
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