Anonymous in Nu-QuestriaAnonymous in Nu-Questria

Anonymous in Nu-Questria

I finally got around to reading Anonymous in Nu-Questria and it’s sequel, and holy shit, that was intense. I’m serious, I haven’t been this wrapped in a fanfic in years. Not since Exchange. I read both stories in under twenty-four hours. I’d like to start off by making it painful clear: this is not your…

LiteratureBy David M. Coleman on Apr. 2, 2022
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Midnight ComfortMidnight Comfort

Midnight Comfort

My first G5 review, and seemingly the author’s first G5 story. I’ve read a couple G5 fics, but nothing particularly stuck with me. That was until I read Midnight Comfort. Right out of the gate, this story had me intrigued. The little game you and Izzy play in the first chapter was very well written,…

LiteratureBy David M. Coleman on Mar. 29, 2022
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